1. Monitor  2. Keyboard  3. Mouse  
4. Speaker  5. Scanner   6. Pen Drive 
7. CPU  8. Hard Disk  9. Motherboard 
10. DVD  11. Printer  12. Ups 


Ans:- Monitor is an output device. It is also known as VDU (Visual Display Unit). 
It looks likes a T.V. The display of the screen is divided into number of picture 
elements called pixels. The resolution of the screen is the total no. Of pixels. There
 are three types of Monitor :-
     i.) CRT -- Cathode Ray Tube. 
     ii.) LCD -- Liquid Crystal Display. 
     iii.) LED -- Light Emitting Diode. 

Ans:- The full form of CRT Monitor is Cathode Ray Tube. These monitors can be monochrome or color. They are heavier in weight and bigger in size. They look like an old T. V. 

ii.) What is LCD Monitor? 
Ans:- The full from of LCD is Liquid Crystal Display. The screen of LCD monitor is made up of (Liquid Crystal) stuffed between two specially treated sheets of glass. The image displayed on this monitor offers clearer and sharper picture as compared to the CRT monitor. 
Note :- This monitor is lighter thinner and consumes less power.
iii.) What is LED Monitor?
Ans:- The full from of LED is Light Emitting Diodes. After the LCD monitor, in the recent times, LED monitors are also gaining popularity. The images displayed on the LED monitor offers clearer and sharper picture as compared to the LCD monitor. 
Note:-LED monitor is also lighter thinner
and consumes less power.


2.) What is CPU? 
Ans:- The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit. It is the main part of our computer system. The main part of a CPU is to control all the parts of the system. 
There are three types of CPU :-
  i.)  CU  ---  Control Unit. 
  ii.) ALU --- Arithmetic Logic Unit. 
  iii.) MU --- Memory Unit. 
Note :- CPU is also known as the BRAIN of a computer system. 

3.) What is Motherboard?
Ans:- Motherboard is also called painted circuit board; it is an electronic device, which may contain sockets that accepts additional boards. 
The main use of motherboard in the computer system is to connect all the parts such as keyboard, mouse, Hard disk, monitor, printer, speaker etc. and allowed to access them properly. It is also used for graphics (Display). 

4.) What is Hard Disk? 
Ans :- It stores all programs and data (File, Songs, Videos etc.) in the computer.
The Hard Disk memory is permanent and data is not lost once saved in it. The capacity of a hard disk is measured in GB. They can be of 80CB, 160 GB,  250 GB,
320 GB, 500 GB, 1000 GB (1TB), 2TB, etc. 

5.) What is keyboard
Ans:- It is an input device. It is the most common device of the computer system. It looks like a typewriter. It is used to input data such as alphabets A, B, C, D, etc numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5 etc) and symbols
(;,:,?,@,$,*,&,€,¥,£,₹, etc) keyboard is also used to give instructions to the system with some special keys such as Enter, Carl, Alt, F1, F12, etc. 
There are two types of keyboard :-
i.) Standard keyboard (Normal Keyboard) ——» 104 keys 
ii.) Multimedia Keyboard ——» 112 keys.

•»> How many types of Standard or Multimedia Keyboard? 
Ans:- There are three types of Standard or Multimedia Keyboard :-
i.  USB Keyboard 
ii. PS2 Keyboard 
iii. Wi-Fi/Blutooth Keyboard(Wireless)  

                  KEYS OF KEYBOARD 

•> Explain keys of keyboard with their use. 
Some important keys of Keyboard are as follows :-
i.) Alphabet Keys :- There ae 26 Alphabet     keys use to write or input A, B, C in the     computer system. These keys are               designed as QWERTY format. 
ii.) Numeric Keys :- There are two parts of Numeric keys one is at the upper side of the keyboard from 0 to 9 and other parts is located at right side as calculator
from 9 to 0.
These keys are used to input numbers and for calculations. 
iii.) ESC Keys :- This key is also known as Escape key. This key is use to hide any type of message dialog box. 
iv.) Function Keys :- There are  12.     Function keys from F1 to F12. 
These keys are situated at the top side of the keyboard. These keys are used for different functions for different software.
For Ex:F1-for help; F5-for Date(Notepad)
v.) Tab key:- This key is used to put a large space between characters or words
This key is also used to jump on the options of any message dialog box. 
vi.) Caps Lock Key:- This key is use to type the Alphabets or letters in CAPITAL letters. When this key active a light will glow continuously. When this key is not active then you can again type alphabets in small letters. 
vii.) Shift Key :- This key is use to make the small letters CAPITAL or capital letters small. There are two Shift keys. One at the Left side and other at right side. This key is also use to select the upper character in key, sign and symbols
such as @,&,%,etc. 
Sometimes this key is also used for shortcut in any program. 
viii.) Arrow Key :- There are four arrow keys :-
I. Up Arrow key                             ⬆️
II. Down Arrow key                   ⬅️➡️
III. Right Arrow key (—>)            ⬇️
IV. Left Arrow key (<—)
These keys are used to play games and move cursor in Left, Right, Up, Down (ward) directions.
ix.) Home key :- This key is used to bring the cursor to its starting position.
x.) End Key :- This key is used to send the cursor to its ending position.
xi.) Deleted Key :- This key is also known as "Del" key. There are two Delete keys. This key is used to delete the selected object or texts. It deletes the letters or characters from left to right position one by one.
xii.) Backspace Key :- The symbol of backspace key is ⬅️. It is used to erase the character one by one from right to left direction.
xiii.) Space bar Key :- This is the longest key of the keyboard. This key is used to give a space between letters or Characters. There is only one spacebar key.
xiv.) Window Key :- This key is also known as "Window" key. There are two window keys. This key is used to open the start button to start any problems.
xv.) Num Key :- This key is use to lock numbers of the right side. When it is off
Lock :- You cannot type numbers. When it is active a (green) light will glow.
xvi.) Scroll Lock Key :- This key is used to activate the arrow keys for scrolling. When it is active a light will glow.
xvii.) Enter Key :- This Key is used to accept any screen and in word (or text editing software) it used to come to the next line or new line.
Note :- There are two enter keys.
xviii.) Page Up key :- This key is used to see the page in upward direction.
xix.) Page Down key :- This key used to see the page in downward direction.
xx.) Insert key :- This key used to insert any character between two texts or characters by replacing the character or text.
xxi.) Ctrl Key :- This key is also known as Control key. It is used to locate the pointer. It is also used to function with the combination of other keys differently in different software.
               For Ex. :- Ctrl + S= Save
xxii.) Menu key :- This key is used to take out the option. It works just like the mouse' right button.
xxiii.) PrtSc key :- This key is known as Print Screen key. It is used to print out the
SysRq     screen like screen Captureing.
xxiv.) Alt :-- This key is also known as Alternative key. This key is used to select any highlighted options of any message dialogue box and to select menus without the use of mouse.
xxv.) Symbol Key :- There are many Symbol keys in the keyboard.
Some of the symbol keys are:-
/ , + @ & $ € ¥ £ ¢ /= ₹ /= « () ?,etc.
Divide change from ÷ to /
Multiply  X  to *
6.) What is a Mouse?
Ans:- It is an Input device. It is also known as pointing device. It is used to input instructions into the computer system. It is a palm size device.
  i.) Left Button.
  ii.) Right Button.
  iii.) Scroll Button.
  iv.) Scroll Lock Button.
Note :- Left button is use for Selection
:-> Press left button.
Right button is use for Option
:-> Press Right button.
• Douglas Engel Bart inverted mouse in the early 1960s.
7.) How many kinds of mouse are there?
Ans:- There are two types of Mouse :-
i.) Mechanical Mouse :- It is an old mouse. It is used to move the mouse pointer with the help of a rubber ball. The German company Telefunken published on their early ball mouse on October 2, 1968.
ii.) Optical or Laser Mouse - It is a modern mouse. It is used to move the mouse pointer with the help of a ray (light) in all directions easily.
There are three types of Optical mouse :-
      I.   PS2 mouse
     II.   USB mouse
    III.   Wi-Fi mouse
8.) What is Speaker?
Ans :- It is Output device. It is used to listen audio of the computer system. It is inserted in the middle of the 3.5m jack.

9.) What is DVD/CD Drive?
Ans :- It is used to browse or see CD/DVDs content in the computer system. It is connected with the motherboard. It works just like a DVD player.

10.) What is Scanner?
Ans :- It is used to copy the matter and convert the text, photos, drawings matter of the page into digital from that can be shown on the computer screen and can be edited later. It is an input device.

11.) What is Printer?
Ans :- It is an output device. It is used to print the documents, photos, etc and make as hard copy. The printed file is for permanent use.
                       Types of Printer
•> Two types of Printer :-
i.) Impact Printer :- Dot Matrix, Daisy Wheel.
ii.) Non-Impact Printer :- Thermal, Inkjet, laser.
i.) Impact Printers :- The impact printers print the characters by striking them on the ribbon which is then pressed on the paper.

Dot Matrix Printer :- In the market one of the most popular printers is Dot Matrix Printer. These printers are popular because of their ease of printing and economical price. Each character printed is in from of pattern of dots and head consists of a Matrix of Pins of size (5*7, 7*9, 9*7, or 9*9) which come out to from a character that is why it is called Dot Matrix Printer.

Daisy Wheel :- Head is lying on a wheel and pins corresponding to characters are like petals of Daisy (flower name) that is called Daisy Wheel Printer. These Printers are generally used for word-processing in offices which require a few letters to be sent here and there with very nice quality.

ii.) Non-impact Printers :- Non-impact printers print the characters without using ribbon. These printers print a complete page at a time so they are also called as Page Printers.
Laser Printers :- These are non-impact page printers. They use laser lights to produce the dots needed to from the characters to be printed on a page.

Inkjet Printers :- Inkjet printers are non-impact character printers based on a relatively new technology. They print characters by spraying small drops of ink onto paper. Inkjet printers produce high quality output with presentable features. They make less noise because no hammering is done and these have many styles of printing modes available. Colour printing is also possible. Some models of Inkjet printers can produce multiple copies of printing also.

12.) What is a Pen drive?
Ans:- It is used to keep data such as notes, documents, songs, videos, movies, software, etc. It is very small in size, so it is portable.
For Ex. :- HP Pen drive 16 GB, SanDisk Pen drive 32 GB.

The full from of UPS is:-
            U  — Uninterrupted
            P  — Power
            S  — Supply
It is used to run the computer system even the electricity is gone with the help of battery and also work like a stabilizer.

Note :- It is very important to use UPS in Desktop/PC computers.



1.) What is Windows Explorer?
Ans :- Windows Explorer is used for keeping files and folders to the desired location.
There can many drives in the windows explorer according to the storage.
For Ex:- C— DRIVE, E - DRIVE etc.

                OPERATING SYSTEM

2.) What is an Operating System?
Ans :- An OS (Operating System) is the main software of the computer as everything will run on it in one form or other. A computer cannot run without an OS. There are primarily three choices: Windows, Linux, Apple OS X.

» Linux is free but people generally do not use it for home purpose.
»Apple OS X works only on Apple Desktops.
»Windows 7 is very popular among desktop user.
» Most of the computers come pre-equipped with Windows 7 Starter edition
» Windows 7 and Windows 8 come in multiple versions from starter, home basic, home premium, professional, ultimate and enterprise editions.
» As edition version increases, their features list and price increases.
» Recommended - Windows 7
The older version of OS are as follows, each OS works differently.
   » WINDOWS 98
   » WINDOWS 2000
   » WINDOWS XP Service Pack 1,2,3
   » WINDOWS VISTA, etc.
 As now you all known and aware of all the parts of computer. Now you are ready work on the computer.
      To Start the computer system :-
i.) On the main switch.
ii.) Press UPS switch (if connected)
iii.) Now press CPU cabinet - power Switch
iv.) Your computer will start booting and load the OS and start.

The Front panel of the CPU cabinet consists of :-
i.) POWER SWITCH :- This switch is used to TURN ON/OFF the power supply. It is bigger in size than "Reset" button.
ii.) Reset Button :- It is used to restart if the computer hangs. It is very small in size.
iii.) Lights :- It shows or indicate that the computer is ON and parts are working properly such as Hard Disk etc.
iv.) DVD/CD Drive :- It is used to read and write the information stored in CD/DVD.
Note :- It is also used to install OS.
v.) USB Drive :- It is used to run the USB supported device such as mouse, keyboard, pen drive etc.

3.) How to Turn Off the computer?
Ans :- To turn off the computer follow these steps :-
      i.) Go to start button.
     ii.) Select "shut down" option.
Another Method :-
   i.) Open Desktop screen.
  ii.) Press Alt + F4
 iii.) Press enter button.

4.) Describe the followings:-
i.) Desktop Area
ii.) Icon
iii.) Status Bar
iv.) Task Bar
v.) Timer
vi.) Start Button
vii.) Mouse Pointer
viii.) Program
ix.) Folder
x.) Subfolder
xi.) File
xii.) File name
xiii.) Control Button.

i.) Desktop Area:- When the computer starts and we see the icons and wallpaper, computer monitor screen is known as Desktop Area.
ii.) Icon:- It is a small graphical image that represent any program, file, folder and shortcut.
iii.) Status Bar :- It is used to show the current status of the computer and contains the start button, task bar and timer.
iv.) Task Bar :- It is used to show list of all opened tasks (Program, folder etc.)
v.) Timer :- It is used to show the current system date and time.
vi.) Start Button :- It is used to start any program and other tasks.
vii.) Wallpaper :- It is used to cover the whole monitor screen (Desktop Area) with a picture.
viii.) Mouse Pointer :- It is used to show the control of the Mouse and to select the programs etc.
ix.) Program :- A program is mediator between the computer and user that provides facilities to work on computer. It works to make the user comfortable in doing work with computer.
For Ex:- Notepad, WordPad, MS-Paint, MS-OFFICE etc.
x.) Folder :- It is an unlimited container in MS-WINDOWS. A user can store many fild, folders, songs, videos, games, software, etc. according to the storage space.
xi.) Subfolder :- When any other folder is saved in a folder, then the folder is known as subfolder.
xii.) File :- A file is used to save the current open programs data such as picture, documents, presentation etc.
Every program has their own file recognition format.
For Ex:- Audio. mp3

File Name :- The name given to a file is called File Name.
There are two two parts of file name :-
a.) Main name :- It is given by a user.
b.) Extension name :- It is selected by the program.
For Ex:-          PRINCE.txt
PRINCE = Main name
.txt = Extension name of Notepad.
xiii.) Control Button :- There are three buttons present in any windows at the top right corner is known as control button.
a.) Minimize button :- It is used to minimize or hide the current program.
b.) Maximize button :- It is used to enlarge the program window to the full Desktop screen.
c.) Restore button :- It is used to come back to the original size of the program window.
d.) Close button :- It is used to close or quit any Program, File or Software.

5.) How to make a New Folder on the Desktop area?
Ans:- To create a New Folder, follow these steps :-
i.) Right click on the Desktop area.
ii.) Select the option "New"
iii.) Now choose "Folder" option.
vi.) Type a name and press "Enter" button.
Note :- Ctrl + Shift + N  ----» New folder.

6.) How to rename a folder of the Desktop area?
Ans :- To rename the folder follow these steps.
          1st Method
i.) Right click on the folder.
ii.) Select the option "Rename"
iii.) Type a new name and press "Enter" button.
           2nd Method
i.) Select the "Folder"
ii.) Press F2 key.
iii.) Type a new name and press "Enter" button.

7.) How to open a folder?
Ans :- To open the folder follow these steps :-
i.) Right click on the "Folder".
ii.) Select the option "Open"
Note :- Double click on the folder to Open.

8.) How to copy a folder?
Ans:- To Copy a folder follow these steps :-
i.) Right click on the Folder.
ii.) Select the option "Copy".
Note shortcut :- Select the Folder and press Ctrl + C

9.) How to paste the folder?
Ans :- To paste the folder follow these steps :-
i.) Go to the location.
ii.) Right click and select the option "Paste".
Note Shortcut :- Select the Folder and press Ctrl + V.

10.) How to arrange the icons?
Ans :- To arrange the icons follow these steps :-
i.) Right click on the Desktop area.
ii.) Select the option "sort by"
iii.) Choose the desire option, by "Name", "Size", etc.

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